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Proof of the Sampling Method for Visible GGX

Proof of the Sampling Method for Visible GGX
Pål-Kristian Engstad
\newcommand{\a}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand{\d}[1]{\mathbf{\hat#1}} \newcommand{\vd}[1]{\mathrm{d}{#1}} \newcommand{\v}[1]{\mathbf{\underline{#1}}} \newcommand{\l}[1]{\left\|#1\right\|} \DeclareMathOperator\arctanh{arctanh} \newcommand{\dp}[2]{#1\bullet #2} \newcommand{\cp}[2]{\langle\dp{#1}{#2}\rangle} \newcommand{\ip}[2]{(\dp{#1}{#2})} \newcommand{\pp}[2]{\left(\dp{#1}{#2}\right)} \newcommand{\det}[3]{\mathsf{det}\left(#1,\,#2,\,#3\right)} \newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left|#1\right|} \newcommand{\jac}[2]{\l{\frac{\partial\;\!{#1}}{\partial\;\!{#2}}}}


  1.1  vGGX Sampling
  1.2  Use of the diagonal \a{A} matrix
The vGGX Sampling Method
  2.1  Make an (\d{x}, \d{y}, \d{z}) frame based on \d{v}.
  2.2  Sample a point uniformly on a 2D disk
  2.3  Squish the disk using \d{z}
  2.4  Project the point on the disk in the direction of \d{z} onto the hemisphere.
  2.5  Elliptic Stretch
Proof of the Probability Density Function
  3.1  Solving for \hat{z}_z
  3.2  Solving for z
  3.3  Total Jacobian Determinant
  3.4  Notes



In a previous blog post, we focused on proving and explaining the math behind sampling the GGX distribution. In this post, we will look at the Visible GGX distribution, championed by Walter et al. supplementary material [Walter15] and further explained by showing source-code in Heitz's work [Heitz18].

Unfortunately, neither work proves mathematically that the sampling procedure they propose results in the probability density function that is needed. In this post, we correct this by doing exactly that.


vGGX Sampling

While standard GGX sampling has the probability density function p_\mathsf{GGX}: \mathbb{S}_2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_+, given by

p_\mathsf{GGX}(\d{m}) = \begin{cases}D(\d{m}) \cdot (\dp{\d{m}}{\d{n}}),\quad & \text{when}\,\dp{\d{m}}{\d{n}} > 0,\\ 0,\quad & \text{otherwise}\end{cases}

the goal of Visible GGX sampling is to sample more in the direction of \d{v} (using the dot-product be with \d{v}), as well as take into account the factor G_1(\d{v}), p_\mathsf{vGGX}(\d{m}) = \begin{cases} D(\d{m}) \cdot (\dp{\d{m}}{\d{v}}) \cdot G_1(\d{v})\; / \; \ip{\d{v}}{\d{n}}, \quad & \text{when}\,\dp{\d{m}}{\d{v}} > 0\,\text{and}\,\dp{\d{v}}{\d{n}} > 0,\\ 0, &\text{otherwise}\end{cases}


G_1(\d{v}) = \frac{1}{1+\Lambda(\d{v})}, and \Lambda(\d{v}) = -\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{\alpha_x^2\hat{v}_x^2+\alpha_y^2\hat{v}_y^2}{\hat{v}_z^2} + 1},

since this will more closely resemble the specular microfacet BRDF

f_r(\d{v}, \d{\omega}) = \frac{F(\d{h}) \; G(\d{v}, \d{\omega}) \; D(\d{h})}{4\ip{\d{v}}{\d{n}}\ip{\d{\omega}}{\d{n}}}, defined when \dp{\d{v}}{\d{n}} > 0 and \dp{\d{\omega}}{\d{n}} > 0, otherwise 0, and where \d{h} = \mathsf{normalize}(\d{v}+\d{\omega}), is the half-vector between the view \d{v} and the incident light direction \d{\omega}, and

G(\d{v}, \d{\omega}) = \frac{1}{1+\Lambda(\d{v})+\Lambda(\d{\omega})} \approx \frac{1}{1+\Lambda(\d{v})}\cdot\frac{1}{1+\Lambda(\d{\omega})} = G_1(\d{v})\;G_1(\d{\omega}),

and F(\d{h}) is the Fresnel term.

It is important to note that the probability distribution function p_\mathsf{vGGX} has different support (area with non-zero value) than p_\mathsf{GGX}. The latter can produce samples with \dp{\d{v}}{\d{m}} < 0, which would result in an incident direction

\d{\omega} = \mathsf{reflect}(\d{m}, \d{v}) = 2 \ip{\d{v}}{\d{m}} \d{m} - \d{v}.

in the opposite hemisphere relative to the geometry normal \d{n}, and hence discarded.

However, do note that even though the vGGX-sampling method fares better in this regard, it can still produce samples that need to be rejected. Therefore, it is vital to check that

\dp{\d{\omega}}{\d{n}} > 0.


Use of the diagonal \a{A} matrix

Walter et al.'s work uses a general 3\times 3-matrix to represent the shape of the distribution. For our purposes, we work on the anisotropic GGX distribution, in other words

\a{A} = \mathsf{diag}(\alpha_x, \alpha_y, 1) = \begin{bmatrix}\alpha_x & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \alpha_y & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1\end{bmatrix}.

It is noteworthy to see that the transform

\d{m} = \frac{\a{A}\d{s}}{\l{\a{A}\d{s}}},

corresponds to the Elliptic Stretch, since in expanded form this reads

\d{m} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\alpha_x^2\hat{s}_x^2+\alpha_y^2\hat{s}_y^2+\hat{s}_z^2}} \begin{bmatrix}\alpha_x\hat{s}_x\\\alpha_y\hat{s}_y\\\hat{s}_z\end{bmatrix} = \mathsf{normalize}\begin{bmatrix}\alpha_x\hat{s}_x\\\alpha_y\hat{s}_y\\\hat{s}_z\end{bmatrix} .

We also showed that Elliptic Stretch corresponds to using Ellipsoid Map followed by calculating the normal. Walter et al. make use of the Ellipsoid Map, but we do not need it.


The vGGX Sampling Method

The procedure is as follows, see [Heitz18] for details:

  1. Make an (\d{x}, \d{y}, \d{z}) frame based on \d{v}.
  2. Sample a point uniformly on a 2D disk.
  3. Squish the disk using \d{z}.
  4. Project the point on the disk in the direction of \d{z} onto the hemisphere.
  5. Perform Elliptic Stretch on the point on the hemisphere.

We can visualize these transformations as

\a{u} \xrightarrow{\textsf{disk}} \a{r} \xrightarrow{\textsf{squish}(\d{v})} \a{p} \xrightarrow{\textsf{project}} \d{s} \xrightarrow{\textsf{stretch}} \d{m}.

For each of the steps, we will calculate the Jacobian Determinant, and in the end, combine all of them to calculate the probability density function.


Make an (\d{x}, \d{y}, \d{z}) frame based on \d{v}.

The idea is to sample cosine-weighted points on a hemisphere that is pointed in a direction \d{z}, instead of \d{n} in standard GGX sampling, by projecting points on a disk in the (\d{x}, \d{y}) plane onto the hemisphere. The distribution of micro-facet normals is still intrinsically directed in the direction \d{n}, but we want to skew the sampling points towards the view-direction, thus we transform it using Elliptic Stretch:

\d{z} = \mathsf{normalize}\begin{bmatrix}\alpha_x \hat{v}_x \\ \alpha_y \hat{v}_y \\ \hat{v}_z\end{bmatrix} = \frac{\a{A}\d{v}}{\l{\a{A}\d{v}}},

then create an orthonormal basis:

\d{x} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\hat{z}_x^2 + \hat{z}_y^2}}\begin{bmatrix}-\hat{z}_y\\\hat{z}_x\\0\end{bmatrix}, \d{y} = \d{z}\times\d{x}.

This gives us an orthonormal frame, such that

\d{x} \perp \d{y}, \d{x} \perp \d{z}, \d{y} \perp \d{z},


\l{\d{x}} = \l{\d{y}} = \l{\d{z}} = 1.

Note: If \hat{z}_x = \hat{z}_y = 0, then \hat{z}_z = \pm 1, thus we can choose \d{x} = \left[1, 0, 0\right]^\top.


Sample a point uniformly on a 2D disk

Uniform 2D disk sampling can be done by uniformly sampling the unit square, and then either map

\a{u} = (u_1, u_2) \in \left[0, 1\right\rangle \times \left[0, 1\right\rangle

into the unit disk \mathbb{D} using either

\a{r} = (s, t) = \mathsf{polar}\left(\sqrt{u_1}, 2\pi u_2\right), where \mathsf{polar}(r, \theta) = (r\cos\theta, r\sin\theta), or by using concentric mapping via a = 2u_1 - 1, b = 2u_2 - 1, \a{r} = (s, t) = \begin{cases} \mathsf{polar}\left(a, \frac{\pi b}{4 a}\right), & \text{if}\, \abs{a} > \abs{b} \\ \mathsf{polar}\left(b, \frac{\pi a}{4 b}\right), & \text{if}\, \abs{a} < \abs{b} \\ (a, b), & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases} In either case, the Jacobian Determinant is \jac{\a{r}}{\a{u}} = \l{\frac{\partial(s, t)}{\partial(u_1, u_2)}} = \pi.


Squish the disk using \d{z}

Given \a{r} = (s, t) on the unit disk, we map

(s, t) \mapsto \a{p} = (x, y) = \left(s, \mathsf{lerp}\left(t^{\star}, t, \zeta\right)\right), where \zeta = \frac{1+\hat{z}_z}{2}, t^{\star} = \sqrt{1 - s^2}, and \mathsf{lerp}(a, b, \zeta) = (1-\zeta)a + \zeta b.

This map squishes the y-value linearly w.r.t. \hat{z}_z, in such a way that when \hat{z}_z = 0, y's range is \left\langle 0, \sqrt{1-x^2}\right\rangle, (i.e., a half-disk), whereas when \hat{z}_z = 1, y's range is \left\langle-\sqrt{1-x^2}, \sqrt{1-x^2}\right\rangle (i.e., a complete disk).

Now, \frac{\partial t^\star}{\partial s} = -\frac{s}{\sqrt{1-s^2}}, \qquad \frac{\partial t^\star}{\partial t} = 0, \frac{\partial t}{\partial s} = 0, \qquad \frac{\partial t}{\partial t} = 1, so since \zeta is independent of \a{r} = (s, t),

\frac{\partial y}{\partial s} = \frac{\partial}{\partial s} \mathsf{lerp}\left(t^\star, t, \zeta\right) = \mathsf{lerp}\left( \frac{\partial t^{\star}}{\partial s}, \frac{\partial t}{\partial s}, \zeta \right) = - \frac{s(1-\zeta)}{\sqrt{1-s^2}} and \frac{\partial y}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \mathsf{lerp}\left(t^\star, t, \zeta\right) = \mathsf{lerp}\left( \frac{\partial t^{\star}}{\partial t}, \frac{\partial t}{\partial t}, \zeta \right) = \zeta and \l{\frac{\partial(x, y)}{\partial(s, t)}} = \l{\begin{matrix}1 & 0 \\ - \frac{s(1-\zeta)}{\sqrt{1-s^2}} & \zeta\end{matrix}} = \zeta.

In conclusion, the Jacobian Determinant is \jac{\a{p}}{\a{r}} = \l{\frac{\partial(x, y)}{\partial(s, t)}} = \zeta = \frac{1+\hat{z}_z}{2}.


Project the point on the disk in the direction of \d{z} onto the hemisphere.

Project \a{p} = (x, y) \mapsto (x, y, z), where

z = \sqrt{1-x^2-y^2}.

The projection to the hemisphere has a Jacobian determinant

J = \frac{1}{z}.

Now, (x, y, z) is a local coordinate system, relative to the (\d{x}, \d{y}, \d{z}) frame, so in the frame relative to the geometry normal \d{n}:

\d{s} = x \; \d{x} + y \; \d{y} + z \; \d{z}.

Since the frame is orthonormal, this is a rotation, and since a rotation is area-preserving, the Jacobian Determinant is

\jac{\d{s}}{\a{p}} = J \cdot 1 = \frac{1}{z}.


Elliptic Stretch

Given \d{s} on the hemisphere, we finally transform \d{s} using Elliptic Stretch:

\d{m} = \mathsf{normalize}\begin{bmatrix}\alpha_x \hat{s}_x\\ \alpha_y \hat{s}_y \\ \hat{s}_z\end{bmatrix} = \frac{\a{A}\d{s}}{\l{\a{A}\d{s}}},

with Jacobian Determinant

\jac{\d{m}}{\d{s}} = \alpha_x \alpha_y \left( \frac{\hat{m}_x^2}{\alpha_x^2} + \frac{\hat{m}_y^2}{\alpha_y^2} + \hat{m}_z^2 \right)^{3/2} = \alpha_x \alpha_y \l{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}}^{3},

as seen before in our previous blog post.

The inverse is:

\d{s} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\frac{\hat{m}_x^2}{\alpha_x^2} + \frac{\hat{m}_y^2}{\alpha_y^2} + \hat{m}_z^2}} \begin{bmatrix}\frac{\hat{m}_x}{\alpha_x} \\ \frac{\hat{m}_y}{\alpha_y} \\ \hat{m}_z \end{bmatrix} = \frac{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}}{\l{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}}}.


Proof of the Probability Density Function

Thus, we have the Total Jacobian Determinant:

\jac{\d{m}}{\a{u}} = \jac{\d{m}}{\d{s}} \jac{\d{s}}{\a{p}} \jac{\a{p}}{\a{r}} \jac{\a{r}}{\a{u}} = \alpha_x \alpha_y \l{\a{A}^{-1} \d{m}}^3 \cdot \frac{1}{z} \cdot \frac{1+\hat{z}_z}{2} \cdot \pi,

where we notice that we need z and \hat{z}_z as a function of \d{m} or \d{v}.


Solving for \hat{z}_z

Notice that \d{z} = \frac{\a{A}\d{v}}{\l{\a{A}\d{v}}}, and that in particular for the z-component, \hat{z}_z = \frac{\hat{v}_z}{\l{\a{A}\d{v}}}, so \hat{z}_z is a function of \d{v}, and \hat{z}_z^{-1} = \frac{1}{\hat{z}_z} = \frac{\l{\a{A}\d{v}}}{\hat{v}_z} = \frac{\sqrt{\alpha_x^2\hat{v}_x^2+\alpha_y^2\hat{v}_y^2+\hat{v}_z^2}}{\sqrt{\hat{v}_z^2}} = \sqrt{\frac{\alpha_x^2\hat{v}_x^2+\alpha_y^2\hat{v}_y^2}{\hat{v}_z^2} + 1}.

Also, notice how this is related to \Lambda(\d{v}) as defined in the introduction:

\Lambda(\d{v}) = -\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{\alpha_x^2\hat{v}_x^2+\alpha_y^2\hat{v}_y^2}{\hat{v}_z^2} + 1} = - \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2}\hat{z}_z^{-1}, and G_1(\d{v}) = \frac{1}{1+\Lambda(\d{v})} = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}\hat{z}_z^{-1}} = \left[\frac{1}{2}\left(1+\hat{z}_z^{-1}\right)\right]^{-1} =\left[ \frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{1 + \hat{z}_z}{\hat{z}_z} \right]^{-1} = \frac{2}{1 + \hat{z}_z} \cdot \hat{z}_z, in other words \frac{1+\hat{z}_z}{2} = \frac{\hat{z}_z}{G_1(\d{v})} = \frac{\hat{v}_z}{G_1(\d{v})\cdot\l{\a{A}\d{v}}}.


Solving for z

Notice that \d{x}, \d{y}, \d{z} are orthonormal, so \dp{\d{x}}{\d{z}} = 0, \dp{\d{y}}{\d{z}} = 0 and \dp{\d{z}}{\d{z}} = 1, and \d{s}\bullet\d{z} = \left(x\;\d{x}+y\;\d{y}+z\;\d{z}\right)\bullet\d{z} = x\cdot (\d{x}\bullet\d{z}) + y\cdot (\d{y}\bullet\d{z}) + z\cdot (\d{z}\bullet\d{z}) = z, so, by noting that \a{a}\bullet\a{b} = \a{a}^\top\a{b}, \left(\a{A}\a{B}\right)^\top = \a{B}^\top\a{A}^\top and \a{A}^{-\top} = \a{A}^{-1} since \a{A} is a diagonal matrix. \begin{align*} z = \d{s}\bullet\d{z} &= \frac{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}}{\l{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}}} \bullet \frac{\a{A}\d{v}}{\l{\a{A}\d{v}}} \\ &= \frac{1}{\l{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}}\cdot\l{\a{A}\d{v}}} \cdot \left( \a{A}^{-1}\d{m} \bullet \a{A}\d{v} \right) \\ &= \frac{1}{\l{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}}\cdot\l{\a{A}\d{v}}} \cdot \left( \a{A}^{-1}\d{m} \right)^\top \a{A}\d{v} \\ &= \frac{1}{\l{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}}\cdot\l{\a{A}\d{v}}} \cdot \d{m}^\top \a{A}^{-\top} \a{A} \d{v} \\ &= \frac{1}{\l{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}}\cdot\l{\a{A}\d{v}}} \cdot \d{m}^\top \d{v} \\ &= \frac{\dp{\d{m}}{\d{v}}}{\l{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}}\cdot\l{\a{A}\d{v}}} \end{align*}, or

\frac{1}{z} = \frac{\l{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}} \cdot \l{\a{A}\d{v}}}{\d{m}\bullet\d{v}}


Total Jacobian Determinant

Going back to the total Jacobian Determinant, that means that

\begin{align*} \jac{\d{m}}{\a{u}} &= \alpha_x \alpha_y \l{\a{A}^{-1} \d{m}}^3 \cdot \frac{1}{z} \cdot \frac{1+\hat{z}_z}{2} \cdot \pi \\ &= \alpha_x \alpha_y \l{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}}^3 \cdot \frac{\l{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}} \cdot \l{\a{A}\d{v}}}{\d{m}\bullet\d{v}} \cdot \frac{1+\hat{z}_z}{2} \cdot \pi \tag{introducing $1/z$} \\ &= \alpha_x \alpha_y \l{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}}^4 \cdot \frac{\l{\a{A}\d{v}}}{\d{m}\bullet\d{v}} \cdot \frac{\hat{v}_z}{G_1(\d{v})\cdot\l{\a{A}\d{v}}} \cdot \pi \tag{introducing $(1+\hat{z}_z)/2$} \\ &= \pi\alpha_x\alpha_y \l{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}}^4 \cdot \frac{1}{\d{m}\bullet\d{v}} \cdot \frac{\d{v}\bullet\d{n}}{G_1(\d{v})} \tag{simplify and $\hat{v}_z = \d{v}\bullet\d{n}$} \end{align*}

Finally, since p_\a{u}(\a{u}) = 1, we get

p_\mathsf{vGGX}(\d{m}) = p_\a{u}(\a{u})\; \jac{\d{m}}{\a{u}}^{-1} = D(\d{m}) \cdot \left(\d{m}\bullet\d{v}\right) \cdot \frac{G_1(\d{v})}{\d{v}\bullet\d{n}},


D(\d{m}) = \frac{1}{\pi\alpha_x\alpha_y\l{\a{A}^{-1}\d{m}}^4} = \frac{1}{\pi\alpha_x\alpha_y\left( \frac{\hat{m}_x^2}{\alpha_x^2} + \frac{\hat{m}_y^2}{\alpha_y^2} + \hat{m}_z^2\right)^2},

and the proof is complete.



The proof relies on a assumption that Walter et al. do not, in that we rely on \a{A} being a diagonal matrix, of the form \a{A} = \mathsf{diag}(\alpha_x, \alpha_y, 1). It is future work to see if this assumption can be relaxed to account for their more general form \a{A} = \a{S}\a{R}, where \a{S} is a diagonal matrix and \a{R} is a rotation matrix.



Below, we see p_\mathsf{vGGX} using \alpha_x = 0.15, \alpha_y = 0.5 and \theta_v = 75^\circ, \phi_v = 0^\circ, showing how the distribution is skewed towards the view. (The gray area represents the region of micro-facet normals that when reflected with the view-vector produce a incident light-direction in the upper hemisphere.)

Figure 1: Equal area from top

Figure 2: Equal area from side

Figure 3: PDF from top

Figure 4: PDF from side

If we change \phi_v to 90^\circ, we get a bigger effect, since they y-direction has a higher roughness value.

Figure 5: Equal area from top

Figure 6: Equal area from side

Figure 7: PDF from top

Figure 8: PDF from side



[ Walter15] WALTER, B., DONG, Z., MARSCHNER, S., AND GREENBERG, D. 2015. The Ellipsoid Normal Distribution Function. Supplemental material of Predicting Appearance from Measured Microgeometry of Metal Surfaces, ACM Trans. Graph. 35, 4, 9:1–9:13. May 2016 updated version. URL:
[ Heitz18] HEITZ, E., 2018. Sampling the GGX Distribution of Visible Normals, Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (JCGT), vol. 7, no. 4, 1–13, 2018. URL:

formatted by Markdeep 1.18